How to Cope with Social Isolation During the Coronavirus Pandemic

By now, we all know the importance of social distancing during this time and have already seen the benefits of reduced rates of coronavirus infection. But as Australia presses pause on social activities, events and past times it’s vital to remember the importance of social connection for the mind, body and social.

Keep socially connected

Did you know social connections have a greater effect on health than obesity, smoking and high blood pressure? Even in the time of social distancing, it’s important therefore to stay connected with friends, family and loved ones. A simple phone call or video call can brighten up not only your day but someone else’s, too.

If you’re able to have a video call or use social media apps then do so. Nothing beats the familiar smile of a loved one. If you aren’t able to video call then look into how you can group call with multiple people on your particular mobile or home phone.

It’s normal to feel stressed, confused, scared during a crisis. Talking to people you know and trust can help.

Moderate your news intake

Another piece of advice is to moderate your exposure to news and media around the virus. The World Health Organisation recommends not to read or watch too much news if it makes you anxious and to get your information from reliable sources once or twice a day.

Information from reputable sources like the official Australian government Corona virus app or health authority websites are often a safe bet and removed from media hysteria.

Stay healthy

The World Health Organisation, or WHO for short, also has some nutrition advice during this period. Eat healthy to boost your immune system, limit alcohol and sugary drinks, and finally, don’t smoke as it can exacerbate COVID-19 symptoms and increase your risk of getting seriously ill.

It is also recommended to do some light exercise or mobility exercises for about 30 minutes a day. For any kids it’s actually recommended to get in an hour of exercise. If you’re allowed to go outside, go for a walk, run, ride your bike, keeping a safe distance from others.

If you can’t leave the house, dance, do some yoga, or walk up and down the stairs. Anything you can do to keep your mind and body busy will be great for your well-being.

Try something new

If you are in self-isolation or quarantine, use your time well. Enroll in an online education course or get some assistance from someone who can set you up for one. There are an abundance of free, engaging courses online on almost any topic you can imagine.

You could also find a great interest podcast. There are literally hundreds and thousands of podcasts on educational or entertainment-based topics. Sometimes though, nothing beats a good old book or movie. Do what works for you.

The important thing to realise is even amidst the current health scenario, life does go on. And as humans, we need social connection and mental stimulation to feel whole.

For any more information, please check out the extra links and resources on the screen. Please seek professional medical advice pertaining to health symptoms. To be updated on what Vital is doing in response to COVID-19, please visit the website for weekly updates.

Wishing you and yours good health and safety.